25 December 2012

Scyther Pokemon Cross Stitch WIP

Since finding the sprites for all video games in the depths of the Internet (Spriter's Resource, back atcha!) I started my own cross stitch sprite.  I played Pokemon on my fuchsia GameBoy Color when I was younger, had lots of the trading cards (which are still in my room somewhere in  a neatly organized binder), and even went to the Pokemon movie as soon as it came out.  Ah, childhood!

My first sprite is Scyther, the green bug-looking Pokemon with sharp blades for hands and wings.  It was the answer to "What is your favorite Pokemon?" asked of the DBF. 

Here it is so far!

It was in the making of this pattern that I realized KG-Chart colors aren't exactly like the DMC colors.  There are two types of green here, but they are almost exactly the same!  If you look on the right blade, the top is the "darker" green and the middle is the "light" green.  Unfortunately, outside of bright light, they look the same.  

I have also created patterns with Gengar, Mew, and some pokeballs.  They will be posted soon!

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