22 December 2011

Braids and Pretzel Snacks

The baking marathon continues!  Today my mom and I made these simple pretzel snacks:
They are super quick!  In fact, unwrapping the Hershey's kisses took more time than anything else.
1 bag of pretzels
1 bag of Hershey's kisses
1 bag peanut butter M&Ms

Place a kiss on each pretzel, then put in a 350F oven for 3 minutes (until they are shiny and melty).
Push an M&M into each kiss.

That's it!  We calculated each snack to be 1.1 Weight Watchers points (since these are going to a gathering with people on WW).  You could do this with any type of kiss or M&M, so there are many possibilities!  The salty sweet combination is very satisfying, though you may find yourself eating lots and lots of these.

Next up: five strand braids!  They are super easy: just take the far left strand and weave over-under-over-under, then drop.  Pick up the new left strand and repeat.  You can do this with any odd number of strings.  I first tried with embroidery floss for a bracelet and then amped it up for a scarf with yarn.  I love how it looks, but it is too short!

The short scarf has five strands, each with ten pieces of worsted weight (acrylic) yarn. 

Tomorrow is the last day of the Marathon of Baking 2011 with a light lemon square.  And maybe some butter balls (my favorite!  I could eat them every day, but that would be quite unhealthy so I only make them a few times a year).  

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